, Bovid Domestication? There was no Hebrew word for ball/sphere, not even dur. The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. These same people mock the Faith of billions of people by pretending to be open minded. 3. Evolution is the reason you try to reinterpret the scriptures. The Bible describes many other scientific areas such as, the water cycle, the classifying of animal life into kinds, the complexity of the universe. I also believe there were dinosaurs and other hominids that God also created. Who did Cain marry? The answer to the question of where Cains wife came from is very simple. She looked rather nonchalant & answered, obviously Cains wife came from the people God created in His image in Genesis 1. Please note that isch & ischah have different meanings as zakar & neqebah. Also the used verbs of the first chapter (asah, bara) have completely different meanings as those (jatzar, banah) of the second one. His bloodline ended with the flood. Megan Sauter, 2019. Report Vote Up I study TNaKh with enthusiasm and wonder as I engage the text not with fear and limitation.In my opinion to look at the text like a fundamentalist does actually denigrates the Bible and makes this wonderful and complex source seem simply stupid. This was not breath after birth, for the Bible refers to humans as alive in the womb (Genesis 25:26; Hosea 12:3). Then God created Adam in His resemblance (1:26) from the ground (adama) which is quite a different raw material than aretz. Your claim that the history of Adam, Cain, and etc are replicated throughout the world is nothing more than complete BS. It is Genesis creation and accompanying myths, written in the 6th century BCE, that were inspired by earlier similar creation myths, for example, the Sumerian creation and flood myths. The first came out red, all his body like a hairy cloak, so they called his name Esau. 1 response Adamah is the ground with the fitting consistency to Farm. I'm only telling you why 2. How abt his marrying a Neanderthal who also roamed the region. Has anyone considered that the Story, a source of Legend saying that the land between Lake. The great majority of open questions that we have from ancient Biblical history were not open questions when they were written. So the serpent came crawling because the angels free will was tested first. (The number 8 always means New Beginnings.) What do the works from Sumer and Babylon have to say about Cain or Kain? Cain is worried about someone finding and killing him, so God gives him a protective mark. Given that the wife of Cain is only mentioned once in the Old Testament, she would not be counted among the famous women in Genesis. Likewise, Exodus 21:22-23 makes no distinction between death coming to the woman or the prematurely born child. Theres a whole book a dedicated to this one begot that one. The Bible does not provide the name of Cain 's wife. For Cain to get a wife, he would have to had chosen one of his sisters for a wife. It is so easy to understand that it is beyond me why people want to complicate things. The Sumerian King List calls it Unug and places it next to Uruk (Erech). This tells that the brothers were not living together with their parents n likewise other siblings. Where did all these people in Nod come from if Adam and Eve are the original people created? Yatsar refers to the molding and shaping of an object. How can u say there is no human beings apart from Adams family? More answers below Quora User The stories of the OT were meant to teach the faith, they didnt have to actually have happened or happened that way. Adam grew out of natural reproduction. According to the author of 1 John he did so because his deeds were evil, but his brother's were righteous. It restricted to the Near East, like almost everything from Gen. 2:5 on. I wish thee to marry, from No! I see we agree on a lot, but adam is singular in verses 26 and 27. Love your enemy, and Pray for those who have enmity towards you. Of particular interest is the debate between Raah #14 and Kenny #16 over whether the Adam of Genesis 2:7 (Jehovah tradition, first temple period) and Adam of Genesis 1:26 and 5:1 (Priestly tradition, second temple period) are the same species of humanity. [190-196 A.M.] And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch. It is clear from Genesis 1:26-27 that used adam to mean mankind. I believe that we are very arrogant to say other hominids or dinosaurs did not exist. In Gen. 1 God tells man to rule over the animal life and in Gen. 2 God puts him in charge of naming animals (an act of dominion). So, where is the difference in your model? The twin has been a popular soap opera plot device and character for decades. That Cain married his sister or a later female descendant of Adam through the marriage of any of Adams sons or daughters is viewed by some societies today as unthinkable. At that early date, there were no frontiers at all. Like I said earlier, male and female are each singular as well. read the second book of Adam and Eve chapter 1. - Some Bible scholars believe Cain and Abel were twins. Jesus traced his lineage back to Ruth through the line of His adopted father, Joseph. Our God doesnt agree with incest. Even so, God has never approved of indiscriminate sexual activity outside of the marriage relationship in any age of human history including incest because it strikes at the soundness of the family. What is the meaning of the parable of the rich man and his manager? This was necessary to protect humanity . out of 12 whom the jews have managed to deceive the entire the mountain in the east There are other books that were not included by Constantine in the modern bible. 49,000 Yrs. On the NEXT day G-d created Eth HA Adam who was THE Man/Adam from which the line of Christ comes. All of mankind is mortal and doomed to eternal death without the atoning blood of Christ. The story of Cain and Abel shows us how pride, envy, jealousy, rage, and even vanity cause us to commit unthinkable acts that destroy Gods creation of love. After the Exodus, God commanded none of you shall approach any one of his close relatives to uncover nakedness (Leviticus 18:6). February 13 2015 Why is anybody studying questions like this? One of the most often-asked questions about the Bible is that of Cain's wife. Lastly, Jesus in Mark 10:6-8 combines the language of Genesis 1 and 2. * 3 In the course of time Cain brought an offering to the LORD from the fruit of the ground, 4 while . the reason Cain and Abel are written in there is because of the sin Cain committed, before the event of Cain killing his brother Abel, no man had ever taken a life. Lenin implemented social programs and began starving and slaughtering whole societies whom he regarded as herds of animals. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Genesis 1 says Yahweh created mankind, male and female. Cain married his own sister at nod because the bible was not mention woman name at that time it was not prohibiter to marry your sister. Jubilees 4:1 And in the third week in the second jubilee she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth she gave birth to her daughter wn. If the Bible is not meant to be taken literally then I assume you also dont believe in a literal God Not sure why you bother becoming a Pastor if you start of with not believing the foundation of the Bible. Abel. Getting back to the original article, the tradition is that Cain married Abels twin sister, as commanded by Adam. It is this neshamah/breath that is a spiritual-religious force that draws man near to God and preserves the bonds between them, We have the same formula for each. What matters is Love. Likewise, human population numbers increased, leaving behind more evidence. Isaac and his wife Rebekah are the first couple mentioned in the Bible to have twins. So Adam must have given birth to so many children and had many other grandchildren before Cain even got married. If you look at the naming of men, with different names, you may find a different way of she among men and women so that you can find. Your claim that ish and ishshah are only used for humans is wrong. Luluwa (also Aclima) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of Cain and wife of Abel. Abraham wasnt a jew, etcetcThe jews are one tribe According to Genesis 5:3-5 Adam fathered sons and daughters before he died at age 930 years. Eve had cain and azura than abel and awan. He also says man was made from actual dust. They had a rocky relationship that culminated in a heated quarrel, which ended with Cain The Torah 's description of their life is brief and cryptic murdering his younger brother. Maybe you would like to check out Reasons to Believe (Hugh Ross organization). Well Ethane, unfortunately Adam and Eve did sin, by being disobedient, the result being stated in Genesis 3:19 which is read or quoted at most Christian funerals when they say: for out of the dust you are and back to the dust you return,: or words to that effect..and as the apostle Paul said at Romans 5:12, though just one man (Adam), sin and death spread to all mankindwe have all inherited that imperfection As in the order of earth being as it is now, and the Sun and Moon. Yeh, the first historical figures in Bible are from 8th century B.C (Before Christ) [] Who Was the Wife of Cain? Genesis 5:4 says nothing about the timing of the daughters, and the sons may simply have been refering to Cain, Abel and Seth. I strongly believe Cain already had a wife with him before getting into Nod. Regards. Understand? Miss Weith: After Adam and Eve left Eden, Cain wandered and his progeny scattered throughout the world, thereby populating it, but Cain still took to wife one of his sisters or perhaps a neice or daughter, because there were no other women at the time. 3. The preadamites were transient hunters-gatherers. Cain is a "tiller of the ground." The Hebrew word translated as "tiller" is o'ved, which literally means a "servant." Mervyn, Why all the speculation when we already have the answer long before the question? Guess what we find in the area of the Arabian river system: gold, bdellium and onyx. Does God gives us political leaders or do we vote them by choice? He loves Jehovah and his brother. Sounds too spiritual I know, but there is a greater reality in God we havent entered into yet. Cain and Abel, sons of Adam and Eve, are the first pair of siblings described in the Torah. Also, concerning who could possibly be those who would confront Cain to kill him, Humans lived on for centuries and centuries at that time so eventually there would be relatives and relations and shirt tail relatives who having moved to other regions might for some reason or other plot to kill Cain in the decades, centuries to come and not necessarily have to be another people or race outside of the one the Bible describes. The lack of respect in evidence-based science in favor of stories passed along generations trying to figure out the origin of all things is incredible. More evidence are accounted in the Bible. So i think we all should just stop deffrents story and live as we are living just followe the commandment of all mighty God. Kabil and Habil Palestine Kabil and Habil, or Cain and Abel, with their two sisters, were the first children born to Adam and Eve. Sounds like a lot of assumptions in her article which denigrate the Biblical record into a biased account of one of, in the authors eyes, just many people on the earth. The regulations of the Law of Moses were binding only upon those to whom it was given at the time, according to the Christian Courier. Do what I say, dont do what I dowhich is nothing but tell false stories? For example, Moses skips generations in his own genealogy. 4:1-2). If that was where the Garden of Eden was, then there is a place sounding much like Nod after that narrow exit from that area. People make great jumps from assumption to conclusion, perhaps we can start with the grammar in the question. For example breath of life is literally breath life. OF is implied. What would be some verses from the Bible to save a marriage? Cain was the son of God. Gen. 3:20: Adam called his wifes name Eve, because she had to become the mother of everyone living. (So all humans were to be the offspring of Adam and Eve.) AP. Including Cains marriage in a nearby town etc. Adam and Eve were kicked out of Eden after they sinned!, Carving 30,000 Yrs We will quote Genesis 4:1-2 from the Authorized King James Version, the New American Standard Version and the New International Version. Genesis 25:22-26 says, "The babies jostled each other within her, and she . So, yes, Adam and Eve are Biblically linked to the origin of humanity. Reading any supernatural stuff (fallen angels etc.) Unless all Adams committed sin together? Only when later generations inherited these material did they think that they need the glitches to be explained or interpreted. Such a conclusion, however, overlooks the fact that when God created the world, [] it was very good and without sin, according to Matt Slick. Mahalaleel one hundred. There were a very few individuals in history that did. That is NOT in 1 Enoch, which is the third most frequent manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. To know the meaning of the mark indicates someone familiar with Cain and what God had done for him. For I have killed a man for hurting me, and a boy for hitting me. In the first statement you propose evolution which, like the last statement uses natural reproduction. The Books of Adam & Eve,(VITA ADAE ET EVAE) From The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, R.H. Charles Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913 says: that Seth had 30 brothers & 30 sisters alive, at the burial of Adam (6)And the angels Michael and Uriel buried Adam and Abel in the parts of Paradise, before the eyes of Seth and his mother (7) [and no one else], and Michael and Uriel said: Just as ye have seen, in like manner, bury your dead. xlix (1) Six days after, Adam died; and Eve perceived that she would die, (so) she assembled all her sons (2) and daughters, Seth with thirty brothers and thirty sisters, and Eve said to all, Hear me, my children, and I will tell you what the archangel Michael said to us when I and your father transgressed the command of God (3) On account of your transgression, Our Lord will bring upon your race the anger of his judgement, first by water, the second time by fire; by these two, will the Lord judge the whole human race.xlix (1) Six days after, Adam died; and Eve perceived that she would die, (so) she assembled all her sons (2) and daughters, Seth with thirty brothers and thirty sisters, and Eve said to all, Hear me, my children, and I will tell you what the archangel Michael said to us when I and your father transgressed the command of God (3) On account of your transgression, Our Lord will bring upon your race the anger of his judgement, first by water, the second time by fire; by these two, will the Lord judge the whole human race. In 2 Cor 15:22/45 Paul makes it clear that Jesus came as no.2 as the second Adam. This means that verse two is further explaining what earth looked like at its creation. The Lord made only two people, so the only people available for Adam and Eves sons to marry were their own sisters. Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. The modern misconception that educated Europeans at the time of Columbus believed in a flat Earth, and that his voyages refuted that belief, has been referred to as the Myth of the Flat Earth. As the Holy Spirit is the story teller (1 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:21) to suggest that He did other than tell the truth is a violation of the direct Word of God (John 16:13). Yes they both were of multiple births. If Cain and his sister had children together, they would have passed on genetic mutations leading to birth defects and a host of diseases. God commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28; 9:1) and thus it was necessary to marry ones own relative. The preadamites have nothing to do with a gap theory. By modern legal definition, Cain would have had to commit incest with one of his sisters in order to create offspring because he had no other choice. So, why would they not accept that Adam was originally created from dust? And then the created erets translated as Earth. What did you mean by a land sounding like the Angel (cherub). The theory based on other people living outside the creation of God is totally false. Earlier (comment 17) I referred to attempts to infer the original population size and how they overestimate the original size. fascinates and captivates Her prose and poetry has previously appeared in such publications asPurposeandCreation Illustrated, and her short plays were performed at Christmas by Sunday School students for several years. He is like the beasts that perish (Psalm 49:13) (p.780). 4. . There were no sons and daughters of Adam before Seth (Gen. 5.4), as I already said some time ago. From just these verses you could argue that Adam and Eve only had one son, but we know that is not true., Your email address will not be published. Now I know Adam explained that Eve was bones of my bone and he called name Eve but she was much better looking than all bone. How can a story teach faith if it did not actually happen? God created them to be a legacy He wanted children with His Heart and His thoughts, and His powers (eventually) But they failed the test. Lots of animals on such a small ark, also it would be interesting to figure out where out where Eden was located. Indeed, it is in some peoples interests to emphasize the differences of other religions or sects rather than the similarities between them. Volume I, TRACT SABBATH, Ch. Like todays Torah service in a traditional Jewish Shabbat service the text was read aloud at an auience. Protestant pastor hereParts of the Old Testament are not meant to be read as literal history. If you would like to leasrn more about this fascinating new book check it out on Amazon Adam and Eve Only Once? Eve became the mother of all living souls. And the days of Adam after his fathering Seth came to be eight hundred years. The majority understanding for the last 2,000 years has been that Adam was the first man and Eve the first woman, and that God started with just two people (Genesis 1:27, 2:7, 22-24, 3:20; Book of Tobit 8:6; Book of Jubilees 2:14, 23; Antiquities Bk. So the Adam and Eve story probably happened. and he said unto him: who he eventually married and Abel was part of a set of triplets Neolithic Revolution was a long process, extending over centuries. National Center for Biotechnology Information, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When Cain went into the land of Nod and took a wife, he married a Gentile, of which there were many in the land outside of Eden. Could have already been here and that is where Cains wife came from. DO NOT FOLLOW Free your mind. Academy Award winner Rami Malek 's twin brother works as a teacher, for example . The issue is that there was things lost in translation from Samarian to the Hebrew, and then even more lost or changed out right from Greek to Latin in the roman style to take control of a religion in a region they have concurred. Mesopotamian creation myths, Josephs relationship with Egyptian temple practices and 3 tales of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. Lets just compare Gen. 2.7 to Jer. The answer is in the Book of Jubilees the sixth most frequent manuscript discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The logical conclusion is that Cain married one of his sisters and until a prophet of God comes along and tells us otherwise that is what we should accept. Today, we are millenniums away from the perfection once possessed by our original parents. Besides, that verse ends with and all return to the dust. We dont return to the womb. NO NEED TO BOTHER YOUR HEAD. It teaches that Adam came from actual dust and that breath of life is breathing Ch. The worldwide flood. In the Sumerian poem Lugalbanda and the Mountain cave, the hero, Lugalbanda, is acompanying his seven brothers on a military comapain against Aratta ,the mountain of the holy divine powers. While his brothers are noblemen who command troops, Lugalbanda is a virtual nobody who is introduced only as their eighth one. But like David in 1 Samuel 17, he would prevail over his brothers and become king of Unug (Uruk). Thats two people. Why dont people read Genesis 5:4 which reveals that Adam begat sons and daughters. : And it came to pass that Cain took one of his brothers daughters to wife, and they loved Satan more than God., Only God knows the truth. People in the ancient Near East typically stayed close to home, which affected their perception of the world. The provider. Trump also revealed that he had never liked McCain, per CBS News. By the way the Greek translation (LXX) agrees and uses a singular personal pronoun for him and a plural personal pronoun for them. You said preadamites, are you a gap-theorist? God is love..and God loves Cain so much (even after he murdered his brother) enough to provide him a wife. So, Im not sure I completely follow your logic, in all due respect. All ancient tribes have their own origin or creation myths. There was a city in Nod, people had to build it, it didnt just happen and Cain was concerned that someone would kill him, so there were more people around. It does not on its own mean out of nothing. You have drunk deeply of the Kool-aid laced with literalism, and unfortunately reason cannot penetrate your cult-colored worldview. Sure, but chronologically it does not make sense. Somehow Moses knew what the land looked like at least 16,000 years before he was born. Thanks for bringing up this matter It has bn given me sleepless night Just trying to understand it but all proved abortive. Cain then dwelt in the land of Nod ( . But the writer of the bible did assume that we could figure out that there were more children born to Adam and Eve, that is why when the lifespan verse of the Christ lineage males always say (and they begat sons and daughters; and they died). Vote Up In the ancient Near East, sometimes those outside of a particular group or society were considered less human by those inside of the group. This goes to the heart of some of the misunderstandings about who Adam and his line was. They have the same body. The interpretation is that after Cain killed Abel, Cain took Abels widow as his wife which is recorded possibly in Gen 4:17. These events are separated by 257 years according to biblical and secular historians such as Josephus. Cain got his wife the same way Adam did, God caused a deep sleep to come upon him and took one of his ribs and made him a wife. The name Nod was not necessarily used by Cain and his contemporaries, but may simply have been the name of the area as known to the original readers of ha Torah. See for yourselves. The genealogy numbers reveal a rough timeframe, but you cant elongate that to 100,000 years. The real issue is that the creation story is not original to the Hebrew people. As a man with a mission as the first son of God. The latter began right before Adams birth. Genesis 1 mentions the emergence of the mammals on the 6th day following the demise of the dinosaurs (who are none other than the dragons of the 5th day mentioned in Genesis 1:21). Facts about Cain and his family. Who did Cain marry? The Adam and Eve Story: Eve Came From Where? gives my heart no peace. The other flowed from Oman and Yemen. Vote Up BOTH MET AND STARTED HAVING CHILDREN.The Question is WHO ELSE DID JEHOVA OUTSIDE THIS FSMILY????? A different answer emerges when Leith turns from the traditional responses about the wife of Cain and delves into modern scholarship. To love one another is to fulfill all of the commandments. At Leviticus 8:6-17 it clearly showed that close family relatives were not to marry one another. Aclima Aclima (also Kalmana, Lusia, Cainan, or Luluwa) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of . Yes, I do believe Adam and Eve had more children. As Austro-Hungarian chief of staff, Franz Baron Conrad von Hoetzendorff wrote in his post-war memoirs: It is in accordance with this great principle that the catastrophe of the World War came about as the result of the motive forces in the lives of states and peoples. So Cain says to Abel, 'Let us go over into the . That being said, I think Cain probably married a Neanderthal or Denisovan. And remember names of many wife in Genesis are mentioned e.g who did Noah got married to? As for the ability of generations to pass stories along by mouth and accurately this has in fact been demonstrated by anthropologists studying other cultures not Near Eastern ones. According to Isaiah Tishby in his Wisdom of the Zohar, the nephesh is attached to the body, preserving it and satisfying its needs. Asked October 21 2014 Man without Christ is not a living soul. Thats why its important to read the Bible over and over, as you and your spirit mature, you will understand more. 1.5, and it becomes obvious, what I try to explain. Cain, in the Bible ( Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament ), firstborn son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother Abel ( Genesis 4:1-16). They are examples, models, typical Exemplars of Their day. From the evidence above, one might conclude that Gods plan was flawed from the start. So the wives of Cain, Henoch, Noah etc. THIS man and his wife Chavah Eve were LIVING souls. A lie doesnt become truer by believing in, thats it. Genesis chapters 3 and 4 present the following information: (1) Eve was the mother of everyone living. (2) Time elapsed between the birth of Cain and his offering the sacrifice that was rejected by God. Oral tradition was critical to honoring a family legacy. The most likely translation would include an implied of, as found in many English translations (see below). The earliest and perhaps most natural answer we find in the second century B.C.E. Other Jewish traditions F4 mention that Cain and Abel were born with twin sisters and that Cain's twin sister F5 was not that beautiful and that this was part of the dispute between Cain and Abel, who had a prettier wife/twin sister. Who cares? Who were the other people that could kill Cain? The Bible only concerns its self with Gods people and the line through which Christ is brought into the world. 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did cain have a twin sister