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the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript

the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcriptnicolas flamel tombstone translation

  • March 14, 2023

Even Thomas. Chris Kratt: Yeah, besides she saved you. They call him the Flying Scotsman. Bob's idea is good. Jessica Herleins: Great Railway Show Engines are super athletic, super smart and super motivated but there's one thing they aren't. You have to be patient. [Jessica Herleins gets an idea and pulls out a microphone before standing on top of Winston as the CHS Rally Song plays in the background]. It is the continuing adventures from The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas and Friends: Big World! Well I got a secret you might wanna know. I wish I could just shoot him out of the challenge. Gordon: I wouldn't want to go anyway, not if it's full of engines like you always boasting about how exciting things are on the Mainland! Donita Donata: Diesel's trucks are in position. It's a race! Aviva Corcovado: Why would you go and do something like that?! [He suddenly bumps into the buffers a bit and watches as Flying Scotsman passes. James: Will you won't you take me to the Railway Show? The-ARC-Minister. Thomas: (whistles) You leave my friend alone, you big bully! Slowly and surely your senses will cease to resist. The Mask: (as the Grinch) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee did iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt! Jimmy Z: Set a course for the Island of Sodor! Good for you! [Robbie set up the cannon, put a cannonball into it and went to the timer to set it]. [She cackles along with the other villains as the screen goes black]. Sonata Dusk: Even with dents and one buffer? All those bright colours! King Sombra: We weren't talking about her, you fool. Time for another trip to Sodor. Fortress Maximus (PWT): It's good to see you again. Thomas/Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is a Parody with Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog sounds and Thomas clips. Isn't that right, Gordon? Scattershot: Here it comes! [The heroes and the workman attach chains to Thomas and the female engine behind him], [The female engine pulls Thomas to safety], Thomas: What is it with all you Railway Show Engines, charging about you own the tracks? This is my brother. It's a figure of speech. They join Penny in Jupiter and they set off for the garage through the streets. (winks at Thomas). The Fat Controller: That's right, Percy. Flying Scotsman: Guess I'm really am famous. Wait! (bends down to pick up something) Hey, Connor. Flying Scotsman: (chuckles) Don't be ridiculous. I saw them! Vinnie: I've gotta make sure I win this year. Ishani: Yes. Mai Lacey: No way, Robbie! Thomas: Philip was right! Plot. (stuttering) That one! Wait for us! Principal Cinch: I don't care anymore. Diesel: Never you mind what I want them for. 74 Comments. I cheat many times. Sploshy: We need to get to him before it starts. It's near your home, Ireland is it? Percy! Hawk Moth: We'II get you, that tank engine, that boy and his friends next time, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: As for Twilight, she was going to be a little help of ours. Announcer: Thomas! We did it! What's this? Thomas: That's the same monster Sci-Twi turned into at the Friendship Games. Even though he's a human and Ashima's a engine. I went to the villains and Diesel to see if they could help but it went wrong and I realized I was wrong to trust them. Percy: I see. (giggles). Kratt Bros: And we're all brothers! Announcer: Pulling loads that would stop other engines in their tracks! They'II help me find Twilight. You're Sodor united! That's how I beat Gordon. Twilight Sparkle: Yes. Make sure to watch it. James Jones: Don't forget never overlook. You know, the painted one form India. Announcer: Oh, what's this? Elvis Cridlington: It's the song Thomas sang earlier, sir. And it looks like Thomas, the late entry tank engine from Sodor, has taken. [Suddenly, Thomas sees one of the flatbeds from earlier on Ashima's track]. Flying Scotsman: Heh. He's damaged. You are clever! Hello . (narrow his eyes in suspicion) Were you just picking your nose? Poppy O'Hair: Now let's deal with these villains! Cause we believe in the magic of Friendship! On Track 1, we have the French diesel-electric Etienne, who'II be trying to beat his own world record today. That must be too many trucks for a little tank engine like you. Diesel: Well, in exchange, you help me with my plan for the Great Railway Show. Some of us have doubts about it every time he's with Diesel. Plot Andy is preparing to leave for college. Discord: Ha-ha-hoo! Some of the mightiest, most formidable machines known to rail. List of Episodes[] Season 1[] The festivities are interrupted by an invasion of monsters commanded by the broken-horned unicorn Tempest Shadow, who uses . Emily: Thomas coupled up to some trucks which move by themselves because Paxton, Den and Dart are in crates and they accidentally push Thomas into Norman's diesel counterpart and crash. Hawk Moth: We tell our other villain allies to come to the GRS to help as well. Twilight Sparkle: I thought Connor was in love with Ashima. I've got a special job for you. Njano: The purple pony of the Mane 6 is jealous of the Indian engine, Ashima. [Chris uses his fish sword to whack Sonata], [Martin uses his fish sword to whack Aria], King Sombra: Once I get rid of you, I'II be able to get rid of Shining Amour, Princess Cadance and their new baby and take over the Crystal Empire once again. [One by one the engines couple up behind Raul and pull Thomas and Ashima to safety]. Victor: You're not the only engine who has to stay behind, my friend. [Kai get closer but then stops and feels the cold pain inside him] Kai: What's happening?! And it's Thomas! Diesel: Well, we don't want that to happen now, will we? Na, na, na, na, na, na! A bird flew by then a leaf lands in a pool of water, causing it to ripple. Why don't you take me with you? Bob Parr/Mr Incredible: But no matter what he does it always backfires. James: Good for you, Thomas! Connor Lacey: Hi, Thomas, Annie, Clarabel. Chris Kratt: And not only that, you'II never get a chance to take part. Thomas: (reverses) Sorry, sir, I think I came in a little too quickly that time. Spike: And save you from Vinnie. The Drop Off 6 06. Connor Lacey: We only came, sir, because Gordon didn't have his safety valve! [Gordon starts to follow Philip until he nearly backs into Vinnie who whistles loudly]. Did some candy monster comes to . What's yours, armored woman? You're a standard gauge engine. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Good idea. Woah! Without it, his boiler will blow up! (laughs). I'm going to to move them by myself. Get me down! Connor Lacey: [to the other international engines] Come on, guys! The Irelanders' Adventures of Toy Story 3 is a new movie made by Connor Lacey. You'll never know what hit you, Crophopper! Is your son coming here? Daisy/Transcript. These engines often stayed the night at the sheds of Vicarstown with the Midland engines before they departed . [The Irelanders look to see the Fat Controller]. Guys? Station Officer Steele: Yes, and when we say that we're telling the truth. Sterling: All by giving him an extra load. Gordon: Why do you always have to call me little brother? Human Rainbow Dash: What's taking Gordy so long? Percy: I think he was heading out to the yard, sir, to shunt trucks. After all, we still had a railway to run. [turn on his lamp to blind King Sombra], [Midnight Sparkle creates a rift right behind Ashima and she starts to slip into it]. There was only one thing it could possibly be. Emily: Thanks, Ashima. Twilight Sparkle: I see that now. But it wouldn't have been fair. Rainbow Dash: How selfish of you to leave before being fitted with your safety valve. The beings who have been merged with me are the Alpha Nanite, Megatronus, The Overlord, Makuta, Midnight Sparkle, Drako, The Ultimate Ninja, Ultron, Sigma, Kilobot, Lucemon, Zarc, Makino, Morphos, Professor Mortum, Terrorax, Coredegon, Slycerak, Exostriker, Mandibor, Mag Mel, Magmion, Lavion, Obscurio, Magor, Naga, Djinni "Whisp" Grant, the original Galvatron and the animated Megatron. Kim Possible: Like got fired from his cannon again. [She uses her magic to lift Diesel and went to a dark area of Sodor after alerting the other villains of Diesel's rescue]. And I see that Norman got repainted as well, though it's not usual for people to paint each other. Isn't that right, Gordon? Connor Lacey: You mess with our friends, you mess with us! Connor Lacey: You weren't reassembled properly! Connor Lacey: Okay, guys, time to head to Sodor again. Thank you! (doing chugging and brakes) And as big and fast as Gordon is, heh, he never overtook me. At the end of the day it is you who survive! Sam and the Irelanders enter the vehicle bay through the door before Sam and Ellie grab their helmets. Connor Lacey: Don't worry, Thomas and Twilight. And anyway, Thomas is here. Helen Parr/Elastigirl: Oh, well that was awkward. Are they, Dabio? Jimmy Z: Yeah, we figured it was three diesels we know that did it. He's all broken. Twilight Sparkle: It's good to see you again after sometime. Connor' mother. There's no time for this. Koki: Diesel is trying to show The Fat Controller how strong he is. Hello, birds! You're gonna pay! Connor Lacey: Yeah, so mind your own bee's wax. Mai Lacey: They came to give Gordon his safety valve. A streamlined tank engine! We have dealt with him many times. Contents 1 Season 1 (1984 - 1985) 2 Season 2 (1986 - 1989) 3 Season 3 (1990 - 1992) 4 Season 4 (1993 - 1997) 5 Season 5 (1998 - 2001) 6 Seasonal Scrapes (2001) 7 Season 6 (2002) That's exactly what I'm going to do! Queen Chrysalis: Ronno and Professor Pericles will also be joining us along with someone I've rescued. It's only my buffers and few dents. Mike Flood: Not when you've been disturbed. I have to split Part 15, so I can avoid this video from being blocked from people watching from other countries.Hi everyone, here's Part 15 of our Hero. Why did the Fat Controller ask me to do this? And I don't know how to get there by rail. How are you gonna help me? Why did you disappear like that? (Sighs with hearts in his eyes). Ash Ketchum: That mysterious guy reminds me of that guy who I battled in the Lily of the Valley Conference. Sodor hasn't won anything yet. [They hear Connor's train counterpart whistling]. The Hero of the Rails crossover movie. Connor Lacey: My joke. Aria Blaze: Especially that green tender engine from Sodor? [singing] We've fought evil more than once and come out on top! Pinkie Pie: Percy, did you know we met the Flying Scotsman? I was afraid of that. You should have just left him to it. At the end of the day it is you who survive! It had its first broadcast on the ITV network in Great Britain in 1984. I was built on the mainland you know. Besides, Victor is a narrow gauge engine. You'll always be Sodor trains forever! What do you think you're doing, running off with my coaches? Bunga: You mean to say, you gave those extra loads to the other competitors and caused Henry to lose? The scene changes to Robbie pushing his cannon to a spot far behind the turntable]. Connor Lacey: That reminds me of the Friendship Games! Midnight Sparkle: And this time, I will not stop until I have all the magic! You took it again? Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: Go on. I suppose he's playing tricks on the steam engines and being rough and tough with 'Arry and Bert. It wouldn't be great without me! Chris Kratt: Of all the stations we've seen, this one takes the cake. Inside a room, dolls of a girl, a dog and a horse are all bandaged up. That's why you're famous. Twilight Sparkle: Not after what you've done! The Fat Controller: Well, congratulations, Thomas, because you were! Thomas: The Great Railway Show? Thomas: Okay. Principal Cinch: Although I'm still not sure why Linda and Hades bring back that monster to join the Foot Empire like me. Arnold McKinley: That's because you rushed off on your own. Besides, remember that rally song Jessica sang earlier! Norman Price: Well, there's no need to keep bringing it up! We saw he had two tenders. Whisper: Oh. Philip: The point is that Thomas can do anything he want to, Lizzie if he just put his mind to it. [They set off while the signalman collapses unconscious. Cranky: (spoken) I'm not going' anywhere. Ned: And get 'Arry and Bert to help next time, right, Storm? I'm gonna carry the flag! Thomas had a crash due to Den, Dart and Paxton pushing him. Percy: (laughs) Well, you are very good at shunting, Thomas. The scene changes to the windmill on Thomas' branch line where Ashima is pulling Annie and Clarabel]. Whoo! Iago: Thomas' plan has being bamboozled by a diesel! I might lose. Nightmare Moon: By the way, Vinnie, that black engine is called Hiro. Percy's the one who's competing not me. It's not nice to laugh at someone. Thomas: No, Gordon, wait! First day in town and I'm already face to face with a world famous band of heroes! Chris Kratt: I think we're thinking the same thing. Njano: Diesel wants to go to the Great Railway Show and we can't let the tank engine, Connor and his friends to interfered, do we? But first, I need to get these trucks out of the way. Look out! [The female engine bump into Thomas and he hangs over the edge of the dock. And also there's something I came to tell you about. Donita Donata: That's what I was wondering. Thomas: Thanks but no thanks, Percy. Flying Scotsman: That's because on the mainland, Twilight, there's no coal and water between London and Scotland which is long distances. Spike: I was following Twilight when she storms off but after a while, I can't see her any more. We scratch your back, you scratch ours. Pooh's Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Merry Misty Island (UK Version) (Coming Soon.) Diesel: You should have known Thomas pulling you and not me. Eddy: This stadium is huge. Once he's been streamlined, Gordon will be faster than ever! Listen to me, Gordon! Thomas: What are you lot going on about? Oh, I'm so sorry you can't go. Annie and Clarabel: Go Thomas, go Streamlining! Something bad's about to happen to Gordon! The judges are about to make a special announcement. I know I'm kinda small, Sir But I'm not a beginner I had a race with Gordon once And I was the winner! Diesel: If I was under a crate, I be able to [There's a creaking sound and Happy Hook drops a crate on Diesel], [Paxton, Twilight, Den and Dart laugh as the villains snarled then the elevated turntable lowers down and Diesel has seemingly vanished]. Flying Scotsman: But we are. Sorry. Diesel: But how's that possible? The race is starting. (he throw a ball at him), [Connor jump to get the ball but Robbie used the remote on him again], Robbie Rotten: (cackles then walks around him) Look at him now. [Then engines from all over the world came puffing onto the Docks]. But Sunset Shimmer managed to stop Midnight and turn Sci-Twi back to normal. Thomas: Don't ask me, Percy. Discord: Just showing my magic to the viewers. The winner is Etienne, the French diesel-electric setting a new world speed record here today! [The scene changes to evening as Thomas and The Irelanders arrive at Maron]. Just because we're well-painted doesn't mean we can't do anything else. Vinnie: Grr! Come on, Shooting Star! Plus, we told Mai about what had happened. Fireman Sam: You should have listened to what we told you. Narrator: Back at the Steamworks on Sodor, Thomas was still feeling rather sorry for himself. Inferno/Broadside: Well, at least she has someone to help her this time. He always is. Togo Igawa as Hiro US dub [ edit] Narrated by Michael Brandon Martin Sherman as Thomas and Percy Kerry Shale as Henry, Gordon, James, Kevin and Sir Topham Hatt William Hope as Edward, Toby, Rocky and the Duke of Boxford Jules de Jongh as Emily, Mavis and the Duchess of Boxford Glenn Wrage as Spencer David Bedella as Victor Original US dub [ edit] Why didn't I think of that? But this wasn't really a proper race. Henry, Duck, Donald and Douglas: Will you won't you take us to the Railway Show? Dilys Price: Well, she was very beautifully painted! Emily: Or Ashima! Connor Lacey: [laughs, teasingly] Somebody's got a crush on the Indian engine. Day of the Diesels/Transcript. Sonata Dusk: He's competing for Japan and since he's on your team, he'II make you win by winning the strength competition but we make sure he doesn't. (snickers), [Diesel snickers, only to find out that the trucks and the diesels have left without him], Diesel: (gasps) No! Hit it! But there's really nothing to be afraid of. (saw Thomas and Norman) Why's Thomas and Norman covered in paint? Ashima: This is all so terribly unfair! Sir Topham Hatt: (spoken) Mmm, precisely! [climbs down] Sorry. [He ran off to the confusion of the villains]. Connor Lacey's evil stepmother. The Fat Controller: Uh Oh! Shooting Star: Stop calling me that! Thomas, I don't want to. (reverses into some trucks) Oops. They lost. We need to keep an eye on him. He press a button but a commercial came on], [Robbie look around then see the remote, ask hello and then press again to stop it], Robbie Rotten: Sorry, wrong channel. The two soon cross a bridge that goes over marshland, but one part is broken and cannot hold Spencer's weight. Connor Lacey: Mammy! Principal Cinch: Indeed it would, Adagio. I came back to you so you can help me find her. That is a good one! Spike: He might be planning something bad as always. Mai Lacey: Emily! Mike Flood: I mean on Learn about Jobs day, the same thing happened. Fireman Sam: It might not be over for Sodor just yet. Is that you? I have to! Aviva Corcovado: Don't say Victor told you so but he did say that you needed to wait for your final safety check! Spud the Scarecrow: I agree with you, Norman. [They collide clouding the screen. [The scene changes to Twilight walking off to the Dieselworks]. She's not fast or big or strong. It is based on The Railway Series of books by the Reverend Wilbert Awdry and his son . This place is even bigger than I thought it would be. Connor Lacey: After all, he is a really useful engine. Thomas: I do wish you two hadn't told her that I want to go to the Great Railway Show! Philip! Philip: Oh, I wish everyone would stop saying that! Dock Manager: The Great Railway Show's not here! (cackles). Diesel: The steamies and your friends know that. Now all that we need to do is watch. Robbie Rotten: And those Irelanders and that diesel boxcab. After the events of The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas and the Magic Railroad, Connor Lacey and his friends with Thomas and Percy travel to Ponyville, where they, along with Twilight Sparkle, AppleJack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy learn some special lessons about friendship. Smoggy smoke rose from the tracks. Pumbaa: Do you both mind if I pause it for a second? Flo: And about Fu Fu rescuing Shi La from the white tiger? Oh m You're Connor Lacey and the Irelanders aren't you?! The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Big World! Thomas: Honestly, sir. Flying Scotsman: Oh, the Great Railway Show is where engines compete to see who's the fastest or the strongest or, what have you. Thomas: Anyway, I don't think this'll wash off any time sooner. You mustn't race! According to director Shane Acker, the film was eventually cancelled after being pushed back several times following Mattel's acquisition of HIT Entertainment. 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the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript