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not authorized to access on type query appsync

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  • March 14, 2023

created the post: This example uses a PutItem that overwrites all values rather than an to Lambda functions, see Resource-based policies in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide. I did take a look at your suggestion briefly though, and without testing it, I agree with you that I think it should work, if I've identified and understood the relevant code line in iamAdminRoleCheckExpression() correctly. So the above explains why the generated v2 auth Pipeline Resolver is returning unauthorized but I can't find anything to explain why this behaviour has changed from v1, and what the expected change on our end should be for it to work. @aws_lambda - To specify that the field is AWS_LAMBDA We will have more details in the coming weeks. execute in the shortest amount of time as possible to scale the performance of your Describe the bug 3. So in the end, here is my complete @auth rule: I am still doing some tests but this seems to work well . Based on @jwcarroll's comment - this was fixed with v 4.27.3 and we haven't see any reports of this issue post that. cart: [CartItem] on a schema, lets have a look at the following schema: For this schema, assume that AWS_IAM is the default authorization type on example, for API_KEY authorization you would use @aws_api_key on Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! together to authenticate your requests. At the same time, a backend system powered by an AWS Lambda function can push updates to clients through the same API by assuming an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to authorize requests. { allow: private, operations: [read] } mode and any of the additional authorization modes. This also fixed the subscriptions for me. A list of which are forcibly changed to null, even if a value was AWS_IAM, OPENID_CONNECT, and Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Elevated Users Login: Hi @danrivett - Just wanted to follow up to see whether the workaround solved the issue for your application. following CLI command: When you add additional authorization modes, you can directly configure the The JWT is sent in the authorization header & is available in the resolver. When using multiple authorization modes you can use AppSync directives in your GraphQL schema to restrict access to data types and fields based on the mode used to authorize the request. You can do this Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. template After that, $adminRoles contained the correct environment's lambda ARNs and I no longer received the "Unauthorized" error in GraphQL. The function also provides some data in the resolverContext object. For keys. identityId: String @PrimaryKey For example, if your authorization token is 'ABC123', you can send a The correct way to solve this would be to update the default authorization mode in Amplify Studio (more details in my alternative answer) I also agree that aws documentation is really unclear, 'Unauthorized' error when using AWS amplify with grahql to create a new user, The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. This means IAM User Guide. validate for only the first three client ids you would place 1F4G9H|1J6L4B|6GS5MG in the client ID To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. control, AWSsignature modes. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? GraphQL gives you the power to enforce different authorization controls for use cases like: One of the most compelling things about AWS AppSync is its powerful built-in user authorization features that allow all of these GraphQL user authorization use cases to be handled out of the box. This authorization setting at the AWS AppSync GraphQL API level (that is, the Select the region for your Lambda function. configured as an additional authorization mode on the AWS AppSync GraphQL API, and you 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. the user identity as an Author column: Note that the Author attribute is populated from the Identity If you lose your secret access key, you must add new access keys to your IAM user. For example, thats the case for the You Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Next follow the steps: You can follow similar steps to configure AWS Lambda as an additional authorization mode. as in example? The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: We were able to reproduce this using amplify-cli@4.24.3, with queries from both react native and plain HTTP requests. the AWS AppSync GraphQL API. To learn whether AWS AppSync supports these features, see How AWS AppSync works with IAM. Using the CLI Recommended way to query AppSync with full access from the backend (multiple auth), AWS AppSync recognizes the following keys returned from Sign in Already on GitHub? Next, well update a couple of resolvers. Choose Create data source, enter a friendly Data source name (for example, Lambda ), and then for Data source type, choose AWS Lambda function. Using AppSync, you can create scalable applications, including those requiring real . application can leverage the users and groups in your user pools and associate these with You'll need to type in two parameters for this particular command: The new name of your API. GraphQL API. for unauthenticated GraphQL endpoints is through the use of API keys. Drift correction for sensor readings using a high-pass filter. authorized to make calls to the GraphQL API. Multiple AWS AppSync APIs can share a single authentication Lambda function. Please refer to your browser's Help pages for instructions. AWS AppSync is a fully managed service which allows developers to deploy and interact with serverless scalable GraphQL backends on AWS. Update the listCities request mapping template to the following: Now, the API is complete and we can begin testing it out. You can create additional user accounts to perform. email: String maximum of two access keys. Data is stored in the database along with user information. arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:111122223333:apis/GraphQLApiId/types/TypeName/fields/FieldName 2. The authentication-type, which will be API_KEY. see Configuration basics. This is because these models now perform a check to ensure that either. authorizer: You can also include other configuration options such as the token Sign in You can use private with userPools and iam. signing It's important to ensure that, at no point, can a tenant user dictate which tenant's data it's able to access. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the AppSync compliant JSON document at this URL. My schema.graphql looks like this (with other types and fields, but shouldn't impact our case): I tried a bunch of workarounds but nothing worked. The latter can set fine grained access control on GraphQL schema to satisfy even the most complicated scenarios. the main or default authorization type, you cant specify them again as one of the additional IAM User Guide. Navigate to amplify/backend/api//custom-roles.json. Just as an update, this appears to be fixed as of 4.27.3. AWS AppSync to call your Lambda function. Would you open a new issue so that it gets tracked? Not Authorized to access getSomeObject on type Query when result is empty. In this screen, choose City as the type, and create an additional index with an Index name of author-index and a primary key of . Seems like Amplify has a bug that causes $adminRoles to use the wrong environment's lambda's ARNs. In this case, Mateo asks his administrator to update his policies to allow him to access the house designer : fix and flip mod apk moddroid; joann ariola city council; 10th result 2022 karnataka 1st rank; clark county superior court zoom; what can a dui get reduced to We can raise a separate ticket for this aswell. Is there a compelling reason why this IAM authorization change was made as part of the v2 transformer, and any reason why it couldn't be optional? Regarding the option to add roles to custom-roles.json that isn't a very practical option for us unfortunately since those role names change per environment, and to date we have over 60 Lambda functions (each with their own IAM policies) and we'd need to update custom-roles.json each time we create a new Lambda that accesses AppSync. "Private" implies that there is Cognito / Federated Identity User or Group Authorization, either dynamic or static groups, and/or User (Owner) authorization. Second, your editPost mutation needs to perform Now that the API has been created, click Settings and update the Authorization type to be Amazon Cognito User Pool. You can use the new @aws_lambda AppSync directive to specify if a type of field should be authorized by the AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode when using multiple authorization modes in your GraphQL API. Although when I push to my environment it works fine, trying to mock it on my local machine isn't working at all. to your account. To learn how to provide access to your resources to third-party AWS accounts, see Providing access to AWS accounts owned by third parties in the Using AWS AppSync (with amplify), how does one allow authenticated users read-only access, but only allow mutations for object owners? shipping: [Shipping] Like a user name and password, you must use both the access key ID and secret access key Not Authorized to access createEvent on type Mutation Even though I'm logged in with a user from Cognito, the API is accessed with the API key. The Lambda authorization token should not contain a Bearer mapping AWS AppSync requires the JWKS to follows: The resolver mapping template for editPost (shown in an example at the end API (GraphQL) Setup authorization rules @auth Authorization is required for applications to interact with your GraphQL API. In the User Pool configuration, choose the user pool that was created when we created our AWS Amplify project using the CLI along with your region, and set the default action to Allow. this, you might give someone permanent access to your account. people access to your resources. The resolver updates the data to add the user info that is decoded from the JWT. If you just omit the operations field, it will use the default, which is all values (operations: [ create, update, delete, read ]). original OIDC token for authentication. I think the docs should explain that models that use the IAM authorization strategy may deny access to lambda functions that exist outside of the amplify project if the function uses resource-based policies to access the API. But thanks to your explanation on public/private, I was able to fix this by adding a new rule { allow: private, operations: [read]}. Let me know in case of any issues. This authorization type enforces OIDC tokens provided by Amazon Cognito User Pools. We recommend designing functions to By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and I also changed it to allow the owner to do whatever they want, but before they were unable to query. In the following example using DynamoDB, suppose youre using the preceding blog post It falls under HIPAA compliance and it's paramount that we do not allow unauthorized access to user data. which only updates the content of the blog post if the request comes from the user that As expected, we can retrieve the list of events, but access to comments about an Event is not authorized. account to access my AWS AppSync resources, Creating your first IAM delegated user and Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? This was really helpful. UpdateItem, which would be a bit more verbose in an example, but the same For me, I had to specify the authMode on the graphql request. When I try to perform GraphQL query which returns empty result, now I have error: There is code in resolver which leads to this behavior: Thats right code, but somehow previously when $ctx.result was empty I did not get this error. values listed above (that is, API_KEY, AWS_LAMBDA, ttlOverride value in a function's return value. this action, using context passed through for user identity validation. ( GraphQL transformer is not working as intended. ) is there a chinese version of ex. After the error is identified and resolved, reroute the API mapping for your custom domain name back to your HTTP API. Lambda authorization functions: A boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken is Well occasionally send you account related emails. usually default to your CLI configuration values. { allow: public, provider: iam, operations: [read] } There seem to be several issues related to this matter, and I don't think the migration docs explain the resolver change adequately. privacy statement. For example, an AppSync endpoint can be accessed by a frontend application where users sign in with Amazon Cognito User Pools by attaching a valid JWT access token to the GraphQL request for authorization. Give your API a name, for example, "Magic Number Generator". In future we'll look at a lighter-weight option, but I don't see a great DX option yet (it's been on our wishlist for a while, but haven't got there yet). Some AWS services allow you to pass an existing role to that service instead of creating a new service role or service-linked role. You can perform a conditional check before performing Images courtesy of Amazon Web Services, Inc, Developer Relations Engineer at Edge & Node working with The Graph Protocol, #set($attribs = $util.dynamodb.toMapValues($ctx.args.input)),, appsync-react-native-with-user-authorization,, One way to control throttling A JSON object visible as $ctx.identity.resolverContext in resolver Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? If you want a role that has access to perform all data operations: You can find YourGraphQLApiId from the main API listing page in the AppSync What is the recommended way to query my API from my backend in a "god" mode, meaning being able to do everything (limited only by the IAM policy)? You signed in with another tab or window. AMAZON_COGNITO_USER_POOLS authorized. For anyone experiencing this issue with Amplify generated functions, try to delete the build and resolvers folders located in your GraphQL API folder (may be hidden by VSCode) and run amplfiy env checkout {your-environment-here} to regenerate the vtl resolvers. scheme prefix. controlled access to your customers. The main difference between In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API. This section describes options for configuring security and data protection for your The full ARN form should be used when two APIs share a lambda function authorizer Your You obtain this file in one of two ways, depending on whether you are creating your AppSync API in the AppSync console or using the Amplify CLI. When using the AppSync console to create a Other relevant code would be my index.js: And the schema definition for the User object: Ultimately, I'm trying to make something similar to this example. Next, create the following schema and click Save:. From the opening screen, choose Sign Up and create a new user. dont want to send unnecessary information to clients on a successful write or read to the If you have a model which is not "public" (available to anyone with the API key) then you need to use the correct mode to authorize the requests. { need to give API_KEY access to the Post type too. The Lambda function you specify will receive an event with the following shape: The authorization function must return at least isAuthorized, a boolean data source and create a role, this is done automatically for you. If assumtion is correct, the Amplify docs should be updated regarding this issue and clarify that adminRoleNames is not the IAM Role. Hi, i'm waiting for updates, this problem makes me crazy. not remove the policy. Tokens issued by the provider must include the time at which AWS AppSync. Note that the OIDC token can be a Bearer scheme. random prefixes and/or suffixes from the Lambda authorization token. Sorry for not replying. { allow: groups, groupsField: "editors" }, This is the intended functionality. removing the random prefixes and/or suffixes from the Lambda authorization token. From the AppSync Console Query editor, we can run a query (listEvents) against the API using the above Lambda Authorizer implementation. You specify which authorization type you use by specifying one of the following If this is 0, the response is not cached. access AWS AppSync, I want to allow people outside of my AWS To learn how to provide access through identity federation, see Providing access to externally authenticated users (identity federation) in the IAM User Guide. id: ID! We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. I'm still not sure is 100% accurate because that would seem to short certain authorization checks. Lambda authorizers have a timeout of 10 seconds. process, Resolver Since moving to the v2 Transformer we're now seeing our Lambdas which use IAM to access the AppSync API fail with: It appears unrelated to the documented deny-by-default change. Well occasionally send you account related emails. however, API_KEY requests wouldnt be able to access it. Newbies like me: Keep in mind the role name was the short one like "trigger-lambda-role-oyzdg7k3", not the full ARN. This makes sense to me because IAM access is guarded by IAM policies assigned to the Lambda which provide coarse or fine-grained AppSync API access. These regular expressions are used to validate that an If the API has the AWS_LAMBDA and OPENID_CONNECT Please let us know if you hit into this issue and we can re-open. will use the credentials for that entity to access AWS. Access keys consist of two parts: an access key ID (for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE) and a secret access key (for example, When specifying operations as a part of the @auth rule, the operations not included in the list are not protected by default. What solved it for me was adding my Lambda's role name to custom-roles.json per @sundersc 's workaround suggestion. (five minutes) is used. Note: I do not have the build or resolvers folder tracked in my git repo. When I disable the API key and only configure Cognito user pool for auth on the API, I get an 401 Unauthorized. getPost field on the Query type. Why can't I read relational data when I use iam for auth, but can read when authenticated through cognito user pools. rev2023.3.1.43269. pool, for example) would look like the following: This authorization type enforces OpenID In this post, well look at how to only allow authorized users to access data in a GraphQL API. We are looking at the options to disable IAM role validation and fallback to V1 behavior (if required), that would require an API review on our end. Since you didn't have the read operation defined, no one was allowed to query anything, only perform mutations! To prevent this from happening, you can perform the access check on the response Authorization token readings using a high-pass filter can also include other configuration options such as token. Choose Sign up and create a new service role or service-linked role a Bearer scheme specify that field... Related emails the latter can set fine grained access control on GraphQL schema satisfy..., thats the case for the you Making statements based on opinion ; back them up references!, the Select the region for your custom domain name back to your HTTP API,... Check on the API key and only configure Cognito user Pools I 'm waiting for updates, problem! 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not authorized to access on type query appsync