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diplomatic delivery of your consignment and clearance funds

diplomatic delivery of your consignment and clearance fundsnicolas flamel tombstone translation

  • March 14, 2023

CONDITIONS OF THIS DELIVERY. I choose to conclude shipment to ensure it is lifted before contacting you. If you can follow my advice and guidance, I will inform you the only way out for the dispatch of your fund peacefully without any seizure by either your bank or the US Monitoring Agencies to know. Same issue now with me in 2020. I choose to conclude shipment to ensure it is lifted before contacting you. Department of Financial Services. Postal Service has posted an alert about phony delivery texts. Diplomatic Couriers travel throughout the far reaches of the world to ensure the safe and secure transfer of diplomatic pouches containing classified and sensitive materials. Thank you for your understanding and I await your urgent respond or My box is in banglore custom office, I already pay the insurance and customs charges, and ,box is in money, box sent me ,my fiancee from iraq she is doing job in usa militery, but,now ,diplomat ,agent told me ,custom officer,want laundry fees,then ,he can do your box released. You can send the required details to me by email for onward delivery. Mr. Kevin Bryner So in order words to enable me cross check your details, I will advise you send the required details to my private email address for quick processing and response. Library. that this consignment has been lying in our correspondent office in charge of this Organization to convey this consignment to your This process is the Airlifting of funds/consignment Contact them with your informations via E-mail:. Chief Shipment Office. Mr. Kalstrom S. James, Effective capacity: 110 LBS.). 5 Ways to Avoid Delivery Scams, We Want to Help You Avoid Being a Victim of Fraud, common warning signs of mail, text or online scams, examples of these types of fraudulent communications. Diplomatic courier services are used for official government business, soldiers dont have access to diplomatic couriers for their own personal business. Diplomatic courier service united kingdom, I have just being conned by Victor calling from Moi International Airport..I have paid over 8 thousand but now he is not picking my calls. Electronic Resources, Borrow Firstly, check the FAQ's on this page - many of the most common queries can be answered here. We have been mandated to pay you the prize money of GBP 750, 000.00/ (Seven Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds) by the organizers of the ESPN ICC-Cricket promotion. Books & More, Print, Once I confirm you as the actual recipient of the trunk box, I will get everything concluded within 48 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery. On its website, FedEx includes common warning signs of mail, text or online scams: FedEx also warns that "If you receive any of these or similar communications, do not reply or cooperate with the sender.". Subject: Customs protecting your package (CBP). The FCC COVID-19 Consumer Guide has information about coronavirus scams and how you can avoid becoming a victim, along with helpful tips on cell phone hygiene and optimizing your home wireless network, and more. I will pay for the Non inspection fee and arrange for the boxes to be moved out of this Airport to your address, Once i am through, i will deploy the services of a secured shipping Company to provide the security it needs to your doorstep. Books & More, UN The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug nor fraud money, Mr. Patrick Armstrong I can get everything concluded within 24 to 48 hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery. Excessively poor grammar is a dead giveaway to the reliability of an email supposedly coming from a reputable company. Tel: +6017 4282941. The message below is an example of what can be called the abandoned shipment scam. The scammer piques your curiosity by claiming to have found an abandoned shipment with money in it and maybe even with your name on it! Don't Click on That Text! Here at the Scam Hunter ( we document scam messages like the one above in order to help people around the world stay safe from online frauds and scams. I will never see the millions, because they never existed. you receive the consignment. Head of Customer Propositions. United States of America. It protects the couriers themselves from arrest while performing their work, and is used to transport material on behalf of the US Department of State. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This entire site is dedicated to exposing the advance fee fraud scam. Reply-To: Mr. Thank you for choosing FedEx, Y ah termina su fuerte cierto vuestro premio os llegara sin ningn coste. Uses our logo and a photo of a box. Here at the Scam Hunter website ( we document scam messages like the one above in order to help people around the world stay safe online. From: DELIVERY EXPSS <[emailprotected]>Reply: [emailprotected]Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2022 17:00:32 +0000Subject: DELIVERY OF YOUR FUND BY DIPLOMATIC OPTION, NATIONAL SECURITY/DIPLOMATIC WAREHOUSE BANJUL THE GAMBIA. Diplomatic courier is a way of sending and receiving material protected by the Vienna Convention. PROVIDE YOUR NAME, PHONE NUMBER AND FULL HOME ADDRESS, TO CROSS CHECK IF IT CORRESPONDS WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS ON THE CONSIGNMENT INCLUDING THE NAME OF NEAREST AIRPORT AROUND YOUR CITY AND OTHER DETAILS. My Name is Graham West and I work for the Department of Financial Services. Currently, states, federal agencies and other organizations collectively hold more than $58 billion in unclaimed cash and benefits, which come from a variety of sources, including abandoned bank accounts and stock holdings, unclaimed life insurance payouts and forgotten pension benefits seizures of third party benefit, legal financial transactions, like lotto winnings, Inheritance claims that was abandon by individuals over skepticism etc. WARNING: These are scams. John Kevin Smith: . Address: Sterling, VA 20166, (USA), with your two boxes of consignment worth $1.5million USA dollars which I have been instructed by TNT DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY to be delivered to you. Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 diplomatic delivery of your consignment Attention.Beneficiary This is to inform you that arrangements have been concluded in respect to shipment of your consignment/funds to your country. 24: Hours Delivery Chargers pulse covid-19 Fee: $ 5, 500. Your funds background on Foreign Bills of entries. I have very vital information to give to you, but first I must have your trust before I review it to you because it may cause me my job, so I need somebody that I can trust for me to be able to review the secret to you. return e-mail or by e-mail to , and destroy this communication and all You're welcome to email photos to us at OR bring items to the store any time ~ no appointment necessary OR call us at 512-346-2900 to schedule an onsite preview to more. Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2015, Harrisburg International Airport Pennsylvania safe post delivery Courier Service Malaysia. Mr. Frank Moses They will offer you 50% or more of the booty in case you assist them by receiving the consignment on their behalf in your country. Information, Articles, hello a friend of instagram assures that he sent me a package I think it is false and I want to make sure as soon as possible so as not to be deceived thanks, here I will provide my email so that they can help me [protected], 150 other people found this review helpful. From: overseas because you could not settle cost of fees for the release of money. These messages often include a "tracking link" that you are urged to click in order to update your delivery or payment preferences. One team is cheating money from the public with the help of social media.This media team head is Crish Morgan, His contact no is [protected]. From: National Security / Diplomatic warehouse <> Reply-To: Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2017 17:12:01 +0100 (CET) Subject: DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT. The Diplomatic Security Service has approximately 100 diplomatic couriers who ensure secure delivery of classified and sensitive materials between U.S. consulates and embassies and the State Department. Mark Howard William : 8/10/16: Includes a green-yellow table with 'Summary Report of Your Consignment'. Attention, communication is confidential, may be client privileged, may copies thereof, including all attachments. involvement, furthermore you will find the attached files of your Shipment Label is attached to email. PA 17057, Pennsylvania USA Los Angeles, CA 90010. Subject: YOUR PACKAGE IS DUE FOR DELIVERY! MESSAGE FROM CHIEF IMMIGRATION OFFICER. One Terminal Drive, Middletown, Attention, This is to inform you that the arrangements have been concluded in respect to direct shipment of your consignment to your country. MODE OF DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY. Dear Fund Beneficiary, We are Diplomats that arrange for the safekeeping of special and valuable packages and baggage in trust for reputable clients that are honest and 01.10.22: [EXT]DELIVERY OF YOUR FUND BY DIPLOMATIC OPTION,,.. Mr. Patrick Armstrong If this information is not known, the postal or courier company check this with you. We are rounding up for the last Quater of the auditing, all abandom Consignment in US Airports are being transfer to our facilities here for inspection and confiscation. Learn more. To do so, they use information that is important for Customs, such as the value and description of the goods. Thank you. Please strictly reply to my private email;, Best Regards, Regards, The woman didn't . Being the beneficiary of the package, the Origin of Funds Certificate (O.O.F) is the only way of confirming the source of the funds and it is your responsibility to provide the Certificate before the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery To You Tomorrow. However, to enable me confirm if you are the actual recipient of this consignment as the assistant director of the Inspection Unit, I will advise you to provide your current FULL NAME: ============== COUNTRY: ============== CITY: ============== CURRENT HOME ADDRESS: =========== TELEPHONE/CELL PHONE NUMBER. "Advance Fee Fraud" letter, where I am promised millions for From: A diplomatic pouch (or "bag") is any properly identified and sealed package, pouch, envelope, bag, or other container that is used to transport official correspondence, documents, and other articles intended for official use, between: Embassies, legations, consular posts, and the foreign office of any government; The ESPN ICC-Cricket Promotion Centre London Organization, we wish to equally seize this opportunity to explain to you in full detail, how to claim and have your prize money sent to you. National Security/Diplomatic warehouse Nigeria. HERE IS OUR BILLING OPTIONS. It is a socalled Many fraud schemes falsely claim association with the United Nations in order to try to get money or personal information from well-meaning people who would like to help the organization. DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT - Brendinghat WARNING: These are scams. It is very important that all the relevant documentations needed to authenticate the source of the funds are provided to prove that the funds were earned legitimately in accordance with the PATRIOTACT so that the FBI,IRS and Homeland Security will not come knocking at your door. I want us to transact this business and share the money, since the shipper have abandoned it and ran away. Help response to it, one of freind got a message from fb freind that shipment is sent via india and they are calling for custom charges to pay 1000$ doesnt look like real. Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2016 to: If you receive suspicious email, text or phone messages, go to thedelivery carrier's website directly or use the retailer's tracking tools to verify the sender's identity and avoid these scams. We have collected information about Diplomatic Delivery Of Your Consignment for you. Courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you. Lastly, be informed that the reason I have taken it upon myself to contact you personally about this abandoned consignment is because I want us to transact this business and share the money 70% for you and 30% for me since the consignment has not yet been returned to the United States Treasury Department after being abandoned by the diplomat so immediately the confirmation is made, I will go ahead and pay for the United States Non Inspection Fee of $3,700 dollars and arrange for the box to be delivered to your doorstep Or I can bring it by myself to avoid any more trouble but you have to assure me of my 30% share. subject: DELIVERY OF YOUR FUND BY DIPLOMATIC OPTION??? UK and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a metal trunk box weighing approximately 25kg each. NATIONAL SECURITY/DIPLOMATIC WAREHOUSE BANJUL THE GAMBIA I believe you will compensate me well with a good remuneration when you receive the consignment. Diplomats can carry documents for embassies between countries without inspection, but they do not run any kind of courier service. to receive. University Information Security and Privacy. In some cases, a link may open a website that prompts you to enter personal information, or it may install malware on your phone or computer that can secretly steal personal information. With the increase in deliveries, the FCC has received complaints about delivery notification scam calls and texts, proving once again that fraudsters are following the trends and adapting their scams to steal your money and information. Depository Libraries, Index to The message below is a good example. These stories are all lies, and if I respond, sooner Hello my friend, I am Mr. Kalstrom S. James, head of luggage/baggage storage facilities here at the Los Angeles International Airport, [LAX] CA 90010. 109 DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT Attention, This is to inform you that the arrangements have been concluded in respect to direct shipment of your consignment to your country. The consignment was abandoned because the Content was not properly declared by the consignee as money rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid diversion by the shipping agent and also the Diplomat inability to pay for Non Inspection Fees. Here i attached a copy receipt send my friend to prove the time and existance that parcel. Consignment is when a shop sells goods for an owner. The consignment was abandoned because the Contents of the consignment was not properly declared by the consignee as MONEY rather it was declared as personal effect to avoid interrogation and also the inability of the diplomat to pay for the United States Non Inspection Charges which is $3,700USD. I am sorry to hear that. For this reason, you must not inform anybody about this letter or my contact with you. Failure to pay for this documentation is a confirmation that you wanted to smuggle the funds into the country which is a federal offense and a gross violation of the Patriot Act. CITY.Cotonou Was this helpful? A phonecall from a branch in Manila or Cebu, the Philippines, requesting customs clearance fees. I choose to conclude shipment to ensure it is lifted before contacting you. You will be told to pay thousands of dollars to that "diplomat" and if do, all of that money will be lost. USA. constitute inside information, and is intended only for the use of the KC Chambers U.K Mike Johnson at JFK Airport in New York has found a box full of money with your name on it, and you can have it if you just cooperate with him. Will be held on departure march12, 2019 and arrival[protected] but I try to check the company sent this parcel. If you continue to play along by their side, they will, after about a fortnight, mail you details of shipment including copy of Airway bill. C: YOUR TELEPHONE/FAX NUMBER. The scammer presents that fake information to try to get you to reply, and then he will tell you to just send a small processing fee and he will release your donation. A customs official verifies that the documents have been completed, including all bank transfer fees and shipping bills with the correct shipping label. You are to choose out of these options to make the delivery package come fast to your doorstep without any delay. 2. criminals behind this fraud. Thomas Goodman United Nation Diplomatic Agent Cotonou, Benin Unit. Please browse our resources and share our scam alerts with your friends and coworkers today. or later I will be asked to pay a fee. I choose to conclude shipment to ensure it is lifted before contacting you. Get back to me urgently, so the litigation process for the release can take place immediately. During our investigation, I discovered An abandoned shipment on your name which was transferred to our facility here in New York and when scanned it revealed an undisclosed sum of money in a Metal Trunk Box. to get involved. Note: I know the content of the trunk Box because I could see theamount you are supposed to receive. One common type of scam is the abandoned shipment scam. You get a message from someone who claims to represent a shipping company or airport, and that person says there is a package waiting for you. B2B Exchange. Subject: Hello Good Friend Your fiancee is a black guy in a cyber cafe in Nigeria, your money is gone, there is no box, because youre stupid enough to fall for an internet scam ethats been around for decades. From: Barr. 200 East Gaines Street. My friend who works for the UN needs help/money/permission for vacation. On my assumption, each of the boxes will contain about $7Million to $8Million each and the consignment is still left in the storage house till today, but as the year is coming to and end you most act fast. Exposing Internet Scams and Frauds Worldwide, Please be aware that scammers often use the, Mr. Frank Moses, JFK Airport (scam warning), Ralph W. Basham, Customs Officer (scam alert), Paul Crowell, Abandoned Package (scam alert), Kalstrom James, Los Angeles Airport (scam alert), Kevin Bryner, Abandoned Shipment (scam alert), all the stages that advance fee fraudsters follow, Leslie Holt Business Proposal (Scam Warning), Amazon PlayStation Order (Phishing Scam Alert), GEORGE DIAMOND, ETOMI CHAMBERS (Scam Alert), Dr. Mathew Doglas Partnership (Scam Warning), United Nations COVID Scam (Public Email Alert), Warren Buffett Donation (Email Scam Alert! The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way many Americans shop, with online purchasing in the U.S. increasing steadily. This process is the Airlifting of funds/consignment from one You receive your parcel or not bro? If you received a similar letter, please ignore it. Tell; + 234-7088758772 From: Paul Crowell Peter Oluwa The consignment are two metal boxes with weight of about 25kg each (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm). When you read through the details of the consignment you will notice that its a Diplomatic delivery to your doorstep. I am Mr. Frank Moses, Head Officer-in-Charge, Administrative Service Inspection Agency JFK John F. Kennedy International Airport located in Queens, in the south-eastern portion of New York City. DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT Attention, This is to inform you that the arrangements have been concluded in respect to direct shipment of your consignment to your country. If you would like to talk to one of our advisors regarding your delivery, please call 02476 937770. Many scams involve supposedly abandoned bank accounts or unclaimed property that the scammer says he has found and wants to return to you. I'm so scared I loss of my money but she customs lady said u will pay the money 145, 000, Dear sir I have received a message that my phone number has awarded 50, 000 pounds from U. K. Friends told me to send this package to be. George Smith Wilson. involve any of the people you were dealing with in the past because Reply-To: 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1025 Subject: [EXT]DELIVERY OF YOUR FUND BY DIPLOMATIC OPTION,,.. FROM THE DESK OF Please get back to me via for further directives. Note: I know the content of the trunk Box because I could see the amount you are supposed DO NOT comment asking where your money is - there isn't any. Unexpected requests for money in return for delivery of a package, often with a sense of urgency. Dear sir, I received a global express international courier and cargo receipt through Mr. Christopher. diplomatic delivery of your consignment and clearance fundsali da malang lyrics english translation Posted by on December 17, 2021 . I can get everything concluded within 48hours upon your acceptance and proceed to your address for delivery if you assure me of sharing the content30% for me / 70% with you on my arrival to your house. SENDER NAME Upon the receipt of the payment information, the Certificate will be made out in your name by the Benin Republic Authority, scanned and send immediately via email to us so that the Diplomat will be allowed to complete the delivery of your package to you tomorrow. Date: Thu, 05 May 2016 To enable you confirm when your consignment will arrive. Other scam calls and texts may claim you need to pay a customs fee or tax before the delivery can be made. Thank you for your understanding and I await your urgent response or phone call INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC WORLDWIDE SHIPMENT ONLY 021 Courier Services Limited - United Kingdom Unit 1 Westland Court. National delivery companies are also providing information on their websites to help consumers avoid falling for package delivery scams. If you are ready to receive the consignment box then pay the needed handling charges and your delivery will take place immediately. Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 I want us to transact this business with you and share the money, since the shipper has abandoned it and disappeared. Be aware that scams are not limited to these-- new schemes are appearing with increasing frequency. Read up on how advance fee frauds work here at the Scam Hunter website so you wont fall into the fraudsters traps! reply-to: The details of the consignment including your name, your email address and the official documents from the United Nations office in Geneva are tagged on the Trunk box. From my findings, the cargo originated from Europe and the content was not declared as money by the consignor in order to avoid diversion by the shipping agent, and also failure to pay the special cargo non-inspection fee of US$3,200. Benin Republic I also have same type with you. Livestock. Scan & Copy, Request Articles, Books & Hi, This is the major reason I decidedto get involved. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing. ?ppls answer me quicklypls someone rply me is it a scam?? Subject: CAN I TRUST YOU Some one has delivered me this thing and he is telling me to pay another dollars, Diplomatic courier what is process how to recive any parcel, Anybody can tell this global express international cargo and courier receipt is original or bogus. 24: Hours Delivery Chargers pulse covid-19 Fee: $ 5, 500. Do not reply to these people, they will try to con you into paying out money in return for nothing. phone call 002207723978. Please share our scam alerts with your friends and family today. Ask It. sir one of online friend from yemen send parcel to me and am waiting for arrival i just want to know and confirm whether this diplomatic courier services provide this kind services or not. One of my face book friend from uk send a parcel to me and when it is reached herein delhi one agent called me and told me to pay an amountOf 35000 As registration cahrges and i paid it. We wish to make it clear that any such name mentioned within these Emails has no connection to the scam. U.S. Embassy Kabul frequently receives inquiries from people who have been victimized by Internet scammers. NATIONAL SECURITY/DIPLOMATIC WAREHOUSE BANJUL THE GAMBIA DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY OF YOUR CONSIGNMENT Attention, This is to inform you that the arrangements have been concluded in respect to direct shipment of your consignment to your country. you. Get back to us with the below information as soon as you send the $950. 3) last threat is today: Madam, we wish to bring to your notice that we have been waiting for you people to settle for the certificate, up till now we never hear from you and the send RE: Parcel delivery on hold at custom. Check the UN Fraud Alert for more information.. The scammer claims to be an airport official who has found an abandoned fortune, and in this case, it even has your name on it! The diplomat's inability to pay for Non Inspection fees $1,000 US DOLLARS OR to present Non inspection Certificate Document to back up the consignment are the reason why the consignment is delayed and abandoned but the Non inspection Certificate can only be obtained from Benin Republic IN Africa where the shipment was tagged in a lower price .By Once this payment is confirmed, I will proceed with delivery immediately. I have been contacted by someone who works for the UN. Dear sir I have received a message that my phone number has awarded 100000 pounds around 9crors. Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many Americans shop, with online purchasing in the increasing. Delivery of your consignment and clearance fundsali da malang lyrics english translation posted by on 17! Use information that is important for customs, such as the value and description of trunk! Can send the $ 950 about this letter or my contact with you your FUND by diplomatic OPTION??... 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diplomatic delivery of your consignment and clearance funds